USDA Conference Call on CFAP 2 today at 4pm Eastern

Please join USDA’s Farm Production and Conservation Under Secretary Bill Northey and Farm Service Agency Associate Administrator Steve Peterson on Monday, September 21, 4:00 p.m. (Eastern) for a stakeholder call on the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP 2).
USDA is implementing a second sign up of the CFAP for agricultural providers who continue to face market disruptions and associated marketing costs because of COVID-19. Signups will begin September 21, 2020 and continue through December 11, 2020 through local Farm Service Agency locations.
How to Participate:
The Stakeholder Call will be conducted virtually using Microsoft Teams Live Event.
Click here to join the meeting: JOIN THE MEETING
(Please note that Teams Live events are limited to a maximum of 10,000 participants)
Tips to prepare for the Live Event using Microsoft Teams:
- There will be an anticipated delay from broadcast of the event to the live stream attendees will be viewing on Teams.
- Teams Live Event provides a one-direction broadcast. Attendees will not be able to present their own video or utilize their microphones during the Live Event.
- There will be a Q&A opportunity during the event. You may submit a question at any point.
- Click on the chat icon in the center menu bar to open a sidebar chat window that will allow you to type your question or comment.
- Please identify yourself when you ask a question to help us best address your inquiry.
- This Live Event will be recorded.
- Teams Live Event offers closed captioning. To turn on closed captions, click the event menu ellipses and then click “Turn on live captions (preview).” Note that this feature is still in preview/development, and the live captions may not be available on all systems/platforms.
- Teams Live Event offers the ability to pause the meeting. If you would like to pause the meeting, click the pause button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. To resume the meeting, click the button again to play. If you would like to jump to real-time, click on “Live” which is located next to the play/pause button.
For questions about the program, please contact [email protected].
To learn more about how to apply, visit or check out our blog post.