How to Apply for CFAP 2 Relief
09/21/2020//Comments Off on How to Apply for CFAP 2 Relief

Applications for phase 2 of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP 2) are now being accepted through Dec. 11, 2020. Today (Monday, Sept. 21, 2020) USDA is hosting a conference call explaining the program at 4:00 pm Eastern. Details are in this blog post.
You have several ways of applying:
- If you are applying as an individual (NOT as a business, LLC, corporation or other entity) and you already have a USDA eAuthentication account (maybe you applied for NAP coverage or some other USDA service at one point and created an account), visit and click on the Login button.
- If you are applying as an individual and you do NOT yet have a USDA eAuthentication account, contact your local service center to confirm you have a USDA customer record with a primary email address. Use the Service Center Locator to find your local office. If you do have a USDA customer record navigate to the eAuth Account Registration page. Select “Customer” on the registration page. Enter your primary email address. You will receive an email from eAuth asking you to confirm your email address. Click the “Continue Registration” link in this email to continue the registration process. Note: When you log in, your User ID will be your email address. Next, enter your name and set a password. Visit the login page and log in with your new eAuth account.
Fill out a Paper Application:
Manually download the application form, AD-3117, to fill out and return to your local FSA office. Refer to Instructions for form AD-3117 for more info.
Get Help from USDA
For one-on-one help in filling out the application, contact your local Farm Service Agency staff (find your local office at You can also call the USDA call center for help, 877-508-8364.