ECSGA Library

Photo by Tuomo Lindfors
Welcome to our collection of links to a wide variety of publications on shellfish, aquaculture, and related topics.
Read a 2021 paper titled Assessment of Aquaculture Conflicts and SAV
(Submerged Aquatic Vegetation) by Mann, Berman, Wesson, Southworth and Rudnicky of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
Read Refuting Marine Aquaculture Myths, Unfounded Criticisms and Assumptions , a paper by a team of authors with more than 120 years of combined experience in marine aquaculture regulations and production, published in the Nov. 2021 issue of "Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture." The authors show how detrimental allegations about offshore aquaculture farming and regulations have corrupted public support, even though sustainable domestic aquaculture development is a critical component to achieving greater U.S. seafood security in the future. Some of these myths include: inadequate regulatory oversight; portraying farms as being high density factories unconcerned with food waste, untreated discharge and use of antibiotic and antifungal treatments; entanglement of marine mammals; impacts on wild stocks and habitats; use of feed additives to pigment fish flesh; unsustainable use of fish meal in feed formulations; potential market disruption by producing cheap, low-quality products; and the inability of commercial farmers and commercial fishers to coexist as for-profit businesses.
Read a 2021 paper by Lawrence Rudner on Developing an Efficient Oyster Sorting Schedule.
Read An Environmental Code of Practice developed by the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association and updated in 2019. It contains an extensive bibliography dating back decades.
Read Economic Contributions of the Virginia Seafood Industry in 2019, a report on the combined impact of the different levels of the seafood supply chain on the Virginia Commonwealth’s economy published and available through Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Read the October 2014 report titled, Economic Activity Associated with Commercial Fisheries and Shellfish Aquaculture in Northampton County, Virginia, by Thomas J. Murray of Virginia Institute of Marine Science and Virginia Sea Grant-Affiliated Extension.
In January 2012, the University of Connecticut Center for Land Use Education and Research released the Connecticut Shellfisheries Mapping Atlas (version 3.0). Developed in collaboration with the Conn. Sea Grant Extension Program and the Conn. Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Aquaculture, this interactive online map is designed to help Connecticut's shellfish industry and resource managers with planning and management of shellfisheries activity, including commercial and recreational harvesting, as well as aquaculture.
Read a fact sheet from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension about Mud Blister Worms and Oyster Aquaculture.
Read a 2012 paper on Salinity Tolerance of the Oyster Mudworm, Polydora websteri.
View the results of the 2009 Virginia shellfish aquaculture crop reporting survey, Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report.
Visit the aquaculture reading room of the National Agricultural Law Center for exhaustive compilations of major statutes, regulations, case law, Congressional research service reports, law bibliography, and many more reference resources.
View an annotated bibliography compiled by Fisheries and Oceans Canada in March 2006.
Download the 2004 manual published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), entitled: Hatchery Culture of Bivalves - A Practical Manual.
Read the 1992 paper, The Influence of Intertidal Height on Growth, Mortality and Haplosporidium nelsoni Infection in MSX-Mortality-Resistant Eastern Oysters.