Ed Rhodes
Ex Officio Board Member
Ed Rhodes is a marine biologist with more than 45 years of experience in shellfish biology, fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood sustainability. He has worked in aquaculture research for the Federal government and in the private aquaculture industry. He has developed major aquaculture projects in South America and Asia, and served for four years as the aquaculture coordinator for NOAA Fisheries. From 2007 to 2013 he was the vice president for sustainability and aquaculture development for Phillips Foods.
Ed was the first executive director of the East Coast Shellfish Growers Association, a position he held until 2008, and he is currently an ex-officio member of the ECSGA Board. Currently he is the executive director of the National Fisheries Institute Crab Council guiding major international seafood companies in their efforts to address the sustainability of crab fisheries. Ed is also a Board member of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, an NGO focused on improving global fisheries.
Contact Ed at [email protected]